Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Pedals... Installed!

The new pedals arrived yesterday and I was very (pleasantly) surprised to find an additional pedal in with the auto transmission set that I had purchased.

Remember, when I originally posted about these I mentioned that I passed on the ones with the pony due to the fact that the pony on the auto transmission set was facing right? Well... Brian at SRP Racing read my blog and decided to surprise me.

As a special treat he included an extra brake pedal for the auto transmission with the pony facing left!! Yeah!

Needless to say, the plain one was not installed!

I managed to get through the rest of the work day and even to 6 PM before heading over to my friend Donnie's house. I'd like to say we installed them but Donnie did all the work. Something about "You don't want to watch..."... as he drilled into the metal of the brake pedal.

Here are some pictures of Donnie installing the pedals:

And the finished product:

This weekend I'll get an updated shot of the interior with all the billet and these beautiful new satin billet pedals.

Thank you Brian for a quality product that performs as well as it looks and for your excellent customer service! I'll be recommending you to all my fellow Mustang owners!

Monday, January 07, 2008

2005+ Hood Blanket...

The hood blanket on my Mustang is something that I'd like to remove but I'm unsure as to how that would affect the car. The Stampede's stripes are vinyl and excess heat could damage them... An alternative would be this: But other than the cool pony in the center I'm not sure if I'd actually be gaining anything asthetically. The stock blanket is a fiber content (?) and this is ABS Plastic. It appears to be more gray than black. Can it be polished (Armor All)? Not sure I want to spend $80 to find out... I'll have to find someone who has this...