Monday, January 22, 2007


The ice has melted and the cold wet weather has left even if it is only temporary. Today and yesterday we finally saw the sun again for the first time in a week which here in Texas is unusual even for winter. So... I took the opportunity to wash both Mustangs and detail Trinity. They put a lot of junk on the roads to keep everyone from sliding around and that crap ends up all over the cars, especially the white one.

Anyway, this is the first time I've had the chance to clean the car up and photograph it since adding the louvers and all the billet pieces... Thought I'd add some more pictures!

Christmas brought a nice $$$ gift from Babygirl and I spent it on eBay (of course). The first purchase was the louvers, jacket covers for our alarm fobs, MUSTANG letters for the door sills on both Mustangs, MUSTANG overlay for the rear tail-light on both Mustangs and then the rest was spent on BILLET for Trinity...

Interior items recently added:
  1. Polished billet switch plates
  2. Polished billet A/C Switches
  3. Polished billet 12v power outlet plug with satin front and 3D pony
  4. Satin billet shift boot trim
  5. Polished billet cup holder bezel
  6. Satin billet coat hook replacements

Here is a look at the louvers from inside the car... notice that they are actually open.

And finally... here is a shot of the sill plate with the MUSTANG letters installed and the rear of the car (iced over) with the MUSTANG overlay on the third light.

I don't know when I'll be adding more since we have some work to do on Pride now and my birthday is a ways off. :) But I'm sure something will come up. :)